Sunday, October 02, 2005

TMAM Vol 03 and Various Hi-Adrenalin Bitchings

It has been a while since my last post, so there are all kinds of horrible details that I shall leave out, but since posting last I have: managed to damage my already sensitive spinal column even further; engaged in bus travel of Conditions Charcoal-Grey through Bullshit on several occasions; transcended the Bullshit barrier upon the useless advice of an MTA customer-service representative resulting in my trudging like a hobo five miles up a highway in the middle of fuck-all nowhere at 8:00p.m.; sustained massive damage to the computer-region of my anatomy.

Despite all this I continue remarkably unscathed save a deeply-rooted angst and nerve-state which I have, I regret to say, perpetrated upon some of the people about whom I care most deeply. That's about the softest thing you're ever going to get from me, so ogle while you can. I'm only half-human, after all.

I have committed two acts of art (of the Too Much Acid Man variety, and am working on a third; this third fueled by a very dangerous whiskey binge I went on a matter of days ago that was supposed to result in permanent brain alteration but instead failed miserably and simply landed me with a headache of tectonic proportions. The headache requiring an instant infusion, the next day, of two packs of cigarettes, five litres of water, eight cups of tea, a pair of industrial cheeseburgers and four naproxen tablets. Following this I doodled a bit and commenced work on a multi-panel TMAM depicting our hero engaging in one of his favourite activities: shouting from fire escapes. If it comes out well I shall post it.

For now, though you'll have to make do with this.